CES 2022: The weirdest, coolest, and most interesting gadgets

Every year, the Consumer Electronics Show spews a tidal wave of new gadgets into the world.…

This creepy technology can read your emotions as you walk down the street

Facial recognition is so last week. If this Russian tech company has its way, emotion-reading recognition…

Dive of the RoboBee

The Harvard RoboBee, designed in Wood’s lab, is a microrobot, smaller than a paperclip, that flies…

Humans can empathize with robots

Researchers have presented the first neurophysiological evidence of humans’ ability to empathize with a robot in…

Swarms of Robotic Boats Could Surround Enemy Ships

In an exercise that was the first of its kind, five autonomous boats formed a defensive…

The Traveling Businessman’s Guide To Protecting Your Laptop From Danger

Some businessmen and women are never in the same place for very long (laptop). Their real…