These micro-robots were inspired by mini-bugs and water striders

The design theory behind a pair of tiny insect-inspired obots may one day find its way…

A tiny crabby robot gets its scuttling orders from lasers

A new army of micro-robots just burst onto the scene. One of the stand-out forms is…

Boaty McBoatface’s new mission is more serious than its name

Boaty McBoatface, the comically named autonomous submarine courtesy of a collective internet joke, will be among…

Engineers created a robotic hand with a gecko-like grip

Human hands are excellent at manipulating things in the world, but the same isn’t necessarily true…

This tiny AI-powered robot is learning to explore the ocean on its own

The ocean is big, and our attempts to understand it are still largely surface-deep. According to…

Robots built from frog cells have unlocked the ability to self-replicate

In nature most organisms reproduce by either mating and producing offspring, or creating clones of themselves.…

Roomba’s new robotic vacuum remembers your home’s layout for quicker cleaning

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The newest Roomba is finally smart enough to avoid pet poop

The maker of Roombas, iRobot, is utilizing machine learning to ensure that its latest line of…

One of Facebook’s first moves as Meta: Teaching robots to touch and feel

Last week, Mark Zuckerberg officially announced that his company was changing its name from Facebook to…

This magnetic robot arm was inspired by octopus tentacles

In its collapsed form, this robot arm looks like a tiny concertina, an accordion-like musical instrument…

Tesla wants to make humanoid robots. Here’s their competition.

During Tesla’s AI day last week, Elon Musk unmasked his next creation to come: “friendly” Tesla…

Should Robots Have Rights?

As robots gain citizenship and potential personhood in parts of the world, it’s appropriate to consider whether they should also…