OpenAI wants to make a walking, talking humanoid robot smarter

Just a few years ago, attempts at autonomous, human-shaped bipedal robots were laughable and far-fetched. Two-legged…

The Apple Car is dead

It turns out that last month’s report on Apple kicking its tortured, multibillion dollar electric vehicle…

Google pauses Gemini image tools after AI generates ‘inaccuracies’ in race

Facing bias accusations, Google this week was forced to pause the image generation portion of Gemini,…

Washington puzzles over AI in health care

This article was originally published on KFF Health News. Lawmakers and regulators in Washington are starting to…

ChatGPT has been generating bizarre nonsense (more than usual)

It’s no secret at this point that commonly used large language models can struggle to accurately…

A ridiculous AI-generated rat penis made it into a peer-reviewed journal

A prominent scientific journal has officially retracted an article featuring an AI-generated image of a rat…

OpenAI’s Sora pushes us one mammoth step closer towards the AI abyss

It’s hard to write about Sora without feeling like your mind is melting. But after OpenAI’s…

A new AI-powered satellite will create Google Maps for methane pollution

Methane emissions, be it from industrial cattle farming or fossil fuel extraction, are responsible for roughly…

Artificial intelligence is everywhere now. This report shows how we got here.

Artificial intelligence is getting cheaper, better at the tasks we assign it, and more widespread—but concerns…

This tiny AI-powered robot is learning to explore the ocean on its own

The ocean is big, and our attempts to understand it are still largely surface-deep. According to…

Why Spotify’s music recommendations always seem so spot on

It’s that time of the year again. On the first day of December, everyone unwraps their…

The newest Roomba is finally smart enough to avoid pet poop

The maker of Roombas, iRobot, is utilizing machine learning to ensure that its latest line of…