
AI can now generate entire songs on demand. What this means for music as we know it

Written by Oliver Bown, UNSW Sydney In March, we saw the launch of a “ChatGPT for…

Newly discovered subatomic particle may be the universe’s mythical ‘glueball’

BEIJING — In the fascinating realm of particle physics, scientists are constantly on the hunt for…

Deceitful tactics by artificial intelligence exposed: ‘Meta’s AI a master of deception’ in strategy game

Paper: ‘AI’s increasing capabilities at deception pose serious risks, ranging from short-term, such as fraud and…

Caterbot or Robatapillar? Scientists create bug-like robot using origami

PRINCETON, N.J. — Scientists have taken a cue from nature’s fuzziest insects, creating a caterpillar-like robot…

Mysteries of the Carrington Event, the largest solar superstorm in modern times, unraveled by tree rings

HELSINKI, Finland — In the annals of astronomy, few events have captured the imagination quite like…

New ‘atomic glue’ could pave way for powerful new quantum devices

BOULDER, Colo. — Physicists have discovered a new way to make atoms march in lockstep, bound…

New ‘twist’ on ultrafast wireless communication sets stage for 6G signals

‘Dead zones’ and glitchy WiFi connections could be a thing of the past thanks to terahertz…

New ‘e-tongue’ detects spoiled wine a month faster than humans

PULLMAN, Wash. — It may not look like a human tongue, but a newly developed “e-tongue” still…

Saturn’s ocean moon Enceladus can support extraterrestrial life − and researchers are working on detecting it

Written by Fabian Klenner, University of Washington Saturn has 146 confirmed moons – more than any…

‘Quantum internet’ connection finally achieved in historic breakthrough

LONDON — Quantum computing is more than just a dream for scientists and engineers: it is…

Star Trek’s Holodeck becomes reality thanks to ChatGPT and video game technology

PHILADELPHIA — Remember the holodeck from “Star Trek: The Next Generation”? That virtual reality room aboard the…

Can animals count? Scientists discover math skills are not just for humans

HONG KONG — Can animals count? Numerical acumen has long been seen as a distinctly human ability.…